Hermitage Cat Shelter
EIN 86-0213263
- Verified
- Animal Protection & Welfare
Support a sanctuary where every cat is cherished, cared for, and given a chance at life. Your contribution makes all the difference.
In the first four months of 2023, we've taken in 279 felines total. Of those, 77 are bottle babies, 99 kittens and 103 adults. Which translates to a total of 176 kittens and it's not even "officially" kitten season! 2023 could be a record breaker and we need your help. Each bottle baby requires special food, bottles (and nipples), fostering and love. Each kitten also requires a specific food, special litter and more fostering with love. And of course, all that and take care of the almost 200 cats we have in our free-roaming shelter at any given time. Those cats include many "special needs" cats, seniors, some with diabetes, allergies, or missing an eye or those with behavioral issues which means they may never be adopted. They will always have a loving, safe home at The Hermitage.
The Hermitage is the only accredited cat sanctuary in the state of Arizona and one of 22 shelters in the country who accept FeLV+ cats. FeLV is a feline leukemia virus that is contagious and often times viewed as an immediate cause for euthanasia. We know these cats can live full, happy lives and by using the very effective vaccine, they can also share a house with non-FeLV+ cats.
We also help our local community by providing TNR (trap-neuter-return) traps to help control the community (aka feral) cat population. We also house a Food for People's Pets Program so humans who've come across hard times, can still keep their loving animal companion with them. In 2022 we helped almost 1,055 people ensure their pets were fed and cared for.
Your donation ensures all this keeps happening. Kittens and cats are kept safe, healthy and loved.
To advocate for the welfare of cats by being a model cage-free santcuary and no-kill shelter.
Hermitage Cat Shelter is a Charity participating in the NASCAR Day Giveathon 2024 a Giving Day event, presented by The NASCAR Foundation.