United Military Care Inc
EIN 46-0552042
- Wounded Veterans
- Homelessness
- Support Services
United Military Care ensures no Veteran is hungry, homeless, or forgotten!
Veterans deserve better! Lee, a Navy Vietnam-Veteran, was found in his wheelchair, using his one good leg to try and get up a hill on a hot Georgia day. Thankfully, a passerby spotted Lee and called us. The do-gooder noticed his navy ball cap and knew United Military Care would help. Our Emergency Response Team located Lee who was homeless and living in his wheelchair in a wooded area. Thanks to great donors like you, we were able to put him in a motel, provided him food, and developed a plan. Within one week, Lee was transported to a Georgia War Veterans Home. Lee was clean, sheltered, and fed, and he knew he had not been forgotten.
Your gift provides the care our Veterans in crisis need.
United Military Care is committed to serving the men and women who have served America. No hungry, homeless, or forgotten veterans!
United Military Care's mission is to ensure Veterans of all ages, branches, and lifestyles receive the care and support necessary to THRIVE!
We provide the tools and resources so veterans can live a safe, healthy, and productive life. Whether homeless, hungry, or lost, our three wrap-around case management methods, Battle Buddy 4 Life, Veteran Strong, and our Emergency Response Team changes lives.
We promise to:
Be Partners of HOPE to all Veterans and their Families.
Treat everyone with RESPECT.
Commit to LEARNING every day.
Show COMPASSION at all times.
Work DILIGENTLY for every Veteran.
United Military Care Inc is a Charity participating in the NASCAR Day Giveathon 2023 a Giving Day event, presented by The NASCAR Foundation.